Hydrotherapy is the use of water as a therapeutic agent, in any form, state or temperature since it is the consequence of the use of physical agents such as temperature and pressure. The term comes from the Greek Hydro (ύδρο-, water, ancient Greek ὕδωρ, hýdor) and Therapia (θεραπία, healing). It is a discipline that is encompassed within balneotherapy, physiotherapy and medicine (medical hydrology) and is defined as the art and science of the prevention and treatment of diseases and injuries through water.
Among its many and varied possibilities (pools, jets, baths, ...) hydrotherapy is a valuable tool for the treatment of many pathological conditions, such as trauma, rheumatism, digestive, respiratory or neurological.
The therapeutic properties of water allow us to lay the foundation in the treatment of patient disorders. These are:
* Dynamic , through pressure taps the pressure is increased, the venous return in the body is also increased and we exert a relaxing effect on the patient.
* Mechanics, through massages the body temperature is increased.
* Chemistry, through the addition of other components to the water.
The role of water in the physiological order is no less important. Physiology teaches us that one-half to three-quarters of a liter of water is expelled through the pores of the skin in the form of perspiration, and that this amount increases in summer.
It also tells us that in the same period the human body releases about a liter and a half of water in the form of urine.
Water use
Water is one of the primary natural agents for the physiological organism, and after air it is the main foundation of life. However, very few give water the importance it deserves, and far fewer use it wisely in their daily lives.
We neglect external hygiene and the internal irrigation of the body, and we very easily say that it does not matter much. We take care that domestic animals do not lack water for drinking and bathing, thereby admitting their natural needs and forgetting that our physical body has the same needs.
Many people suffer from diseases, infections and disorders such as restlessness, melancholy, sadness, malaise, and they complain without knowing that the cause of their strange discomfort lies in the poor hygiene of their body and the lack of water contained in it.
Most of the diseases have their origin in some gastric or intestinal disorder, aggravated by the lack of hygiene and the lack of water. It has been stated that 95% of the disorders that concern the human race come from some problem of the stomach, intestines or genito-anal area.
Water has great benefits as a prevention and healing agent.
The sweat glands of the blood filter the water in which the waste is dissolved and bring it to the surface, where it comes out through the myriad of holes called pores that cover the skin. By chemically analyzing sweat, organic residues, excrement materials and impurities very similar to those contained in urine can be found.
It is very important to keep the skin healthy and clean, in order for it to carry out its various functions, all of which are very necessary.
Regarding the intimate parts of the human body, they must be kept absolutely clean, washing them with water, after going to the bathroom, during the female period and pregnancy, not only for reasons of dignity and personal decorum but also to avoid diseases, bad odor, bacteria and infections, understanding that health depends largely on the care with which these parts are kept clean.
Many infections and illnesses could be avoided if we keep intimate areas completely clean. Infections among young people who have sexual encounters have been known to pick up infections mainly due to poor intimate hygiene.